Zuid-Oost Azië algemeen
Oost-Maleisië: Sarawak/Sabah (Borneo)
Een vollediger overzicht met inhoudsomschrijvingen en een bijkomend overzicht van internet bronnen kan u hier downloaden (.doc):
Boeken over Maleisië en Singapore (v2011, update 05-2011)
Books on Malaysia and Singapore (v2012, English, update 06-2012)
Islam |  |
Zuid-Oost Azië algemeen |  |
- - Maya Khemlani David e.a., 'Language, identities and education in Asia: Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei' (2007).
- - K.S. Sandhu & A Mani 'Indian communities in Southeast Asia' (2006).
- - Stefan Eklof Amirell 'Pirates in paradise' (2006)
- - Axel Brümmer e.a., 'Die Dschunke' (2007).
- - Wolfram Dufner, an der Straße von Malakka. (2005, herdruk).
- Oorspronkelijke druk... (1996).
- - Christopher Bayly & Tim Harper, Forgotten armies, 1941-1945 (2005)
- - Robert Giebels 'De olieprins en de opiumboer' (2004).
- - Thomas de Angelo 'Infinity and the South China Sea' (2004).
- - Richard Nisbett 'The geography of thought' (2004).
- - Peter Carey 'My life as a fake' (2003).
- - G.W.H. Davison and Chew Yen Fook 'A photographic guide to birds of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore (2003 – 2e herziene editie).
- - BBC 'De mooiste treinreizen' (2003).
- - James Fahn 'A land on fire' (2003).
- - K.S. Maniam, between lives (2003).
- - Kishore Mahbubani 'Can Asians think?' (2002).
- - Ann M. Sabath 'International business etiquette: Asia' (2002)
- - Johannes Brudnjak, 'Abenteure Súostasien' (2001).
- - Amitrav Ghosh 'Het glazen paleis' (2001).
- Vertaling van 'The glass palace' (2000).
- - Alexander Bakker 'Reizen in Azië, koken in Nederland' (2000).
- - Dean Foster 'The global etiquette guide to Asia' (2000).
- - Brigitte Ars 'Troostmeisjes' (2000).
- - Jonathan Rigg 'More than the soil' (2000).
- - Victor Mallet 'Trouble with tigers, HarperCollins' (2000).
- - Jan Pluvier 'Zuidoost Azië' (1999).
- - Tiziano Terzani 'Vliegen zonder vleugels' (1999).
- Oorspronkelijk in het Italiaans 'Un Indovino mi Disse' (1995).
- Engelse versie: 'a fortune teller told me'.
- - Mieke Kooistra 'Geld, geloof, gehoorzaamheid' (1998).
- - Louise Williams 'Wives, mistresses and matriarchs' (1998).
- - Sanjyot P. Dunung 'Doing business in Asia' (2nd ed) (1998).
- - Christopher Patten 'Oost en West' (1998).
- - Ian Buruma 'Oosterse Arcadiën' (1998).
- Vertaling van 'The Missionary and the Libertine' (1996).
- - V.S. Naipaul 'Meer dan Geloof' (1997).
- Vertaling van 'Beyond Belief (1997).
- Vervolg op 'Onder de gelovigen'.
- - Jonathan Rigg 'Southeast Asia' (1997).
- - Jesse Goossens 'Azië op goed geluk' (1997).
- Paperbackversie 'Een reis door Azië op goed geluk' (2002).
- - M. Gullick (samensteller) 'Adventures and encounters' (1996).
- - J. Naisbitt 'Megatrends Asia' (1996).
- - Cees Nooteboom 'Van de lente de dauw - Oosterse Reizen' (1995).
- - Chin-Ning Chu 'Thick face, black heart' (1995).
- - Stan Sesser 'Lands of charm and cruelty' (1994).
- - Paul Voogt 'Onderhandelen in zuidoost Azië' (1992).
- - Chin-ning Chu 'The Asian mind game' (1991).
- - Linklater Andro 'Wild people', Abacus Travel (1990/1993),
- - Ian Buruma 'Gods gruis' (1990).
- Vertaling van 'God's dust' (1989).
- - Andrew Eames 'Voorbij de schaduwlijn' (1989).
- Vertaling van 'Crossing the shadow line' (1986).
- - Charles Allen (ed) 'Tales from the South China seas' (1983).
- - V.S. Naipaul 'Onder de gelovigen' (1982).
- Vertaling van 'Among the believers' (1981).
- - G. MacBeth, the Katana (1981) .
- - K.S. Maniam 'The return' (1981).
- - C. Mary Turnbull 'A history of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei' (1980).
- - Syed Hussein Alatas 'The myth of the lazy native' (1977).
- - Paul Theroux 'The great railway bazaar' (1975).
- - Margaretha Ratnam 'Penang' (1973).
- - Shannon Ahmad 'Bittere oogst' (1972/1978).
- - Joseph Conrad 'Jeugd' (1924)
- Vertaling van 'Youth' (1902).
- - Joseph Conrad 'Toean Jim'
- Vertaling van 'Lord Jim' (1900/ vele herdrukken).
Maleisië |  |
- - David Chanderbali 'Indian indenture in British Malaysia' (verschijnt april 2008).
- - [auteur onbekend] 'Maleisië, veranderend gezicht' (verschijnt 31 maart 2008).
- - Alberto Gomes 'Modernity and Malaysia' (verschijnt mei 2007).
- - Edmund Gomez 'Politics in Malaysia' (verschijnt mei 2007).
- - Hassan Osman Rani 'The Economy' (verschijnt april 2007).
- - Ghillie Basan 'De keuken van Maleisië en Singapore' (verschijnt 31 maart 2007)
- - Salleh Hood 'People and traditions' (2007)
- - Syed Ahmad Jamal 'Crafts and the visual arts' (2007)
- - David Chanderbali 'Idian identure in British Malaysia' (2007).
- - 'Lonely Planet' Malaysia, Singapore en Brunei, 10th edition (2007).
- - De film 'The red kebaya' (2006).
- - Nick Garbutt, J. Cede Prudente, sir David Attenborough 'Wild Borneo' (2006).
- - Charles Brooke 'Ten years in Sarawak volume I (2006)
- Facsimile reprint van 1866.
- - Francesca di Piazza 'Malaysia in Pictures' (2006).
- - Victor King 'Customs and Etiquette of Malaysia' (2006).
- - Joel S. Kahn 'Other Malays' (2006)
- - T.K. Taylor 'Sunset of the Empire in Malaya' (2006).
- - Friedrich Leibenguth 'Reiseskizzen aus Malaya' (2006).
- - Hassan Osman Rani 'The economy' (2006).
- - Saw Swee-Hock en K. Kesavapany 'Singapore-malaysia relations under Abdullah Badawi' (2006).
- - Peter Neville 'The rose of Singapore' (2006).
- Verschenen als 'Awakening of the Lion' (1999).
- - Francesca di Piazza 'Malaysia in pictures' (2006).
- - Paul McGillick '25 Tropical Houses in Singapore And Malaysia' (2006).
- - OHM (Organisatie voor Hindoe Media) 'Hindoes in Maleisië' (2006).
- Bekijk: Hindoes in Maleisië.
- - Een documentaire van Rob Hof 'sporen uit het oosten' (2006).
- Bekijk: Sporen uit het oosten.
- - TDoris Masero 'Malaysia hin und zurück' (2005)
- - Tan Teong Jin, Ho Wah Foon en Tan Joo Lan 'The Chinese Malaysian Contribution' (2005).
- - Heidi Munan 'Culture shock! Malaysia' [updated version] (2005).
- - Peter J. Schoomaker and John A. Nagl 'Learning to eat soup with a knife' (2005).
- - Tash Aw 'De zijdehandelaar (2005).
- Vertaling van 'The harmony silk factory'.
- - John Chynoweth 'Hunting terrorists in the jungle' (2005).
- - Brigitte Ars 'De sprong van de Maleise tijger' (2004). [Meer info...]
- - Lonely Planet 'Malaysia, Singapore en Brunei' 9th edition (2004).
- - De film 'Sepet' (2004). Zie ook
- - De film 'Puteri gunung ledang' (2004). Zie ook
- - Agnes Khoo 'Life as the river flows' (2004).
- - Andrew Greig 'In another light' (2004).
- - Virginia Matheson Hooker 'A short history of Malaysia' (2004).
- - David Easter 'Britain and the Confrontation with Indonesia' (2004).
- - M. Bakri Musa en Karen E Musa 'With love, from Malaysia' (2004).
- - Wendy Khadjijah Moore 'Malaysia, a pictorial history' (2004).
- - Celine J. Marbeck 'Cuzinhia Christang' (2004) De Cristang keuken.
- - Margaret Shennan 'Out in the midday sun' (200*/2004).
- - Rani Manicka 'De rijstmoeder' (2004).
- Vertaling van 'The rice mother' (2003).
- - Mahbob Abdullah 'Planter’s tales' (2003).
- - Tim Bunnell 'Malaysia, Modernity and the Multimedia Super Corridor' (2003)
- - Wendy Khadijah Moore e.a. 'Malaysia: Portret of a Nation' (2003).
- - Ramesh Kuma Biswas (ed), Malaysia: riches from the golden lands /Rechtümer aus dem goldenen (2003).
- - Catherine Lim 'The song of silver frond' (2003).
- - K.S. Maniam 'between lives' (2003).
- - 'Culture briefing: Malaysia' (2003).
- Alleen te bestellen via
- - M. Bakri Musa 'Seeing Malaysia my way' (2003).
- - Alias Chin Peng 'My side of history' (2003).
- - Tunku Halim 'A children’s history of Malaysia' (2003).
- - Ramesh Kuma Biswas (ed) 'Malaysia: riches from the golden lands' (2003).
- - K.S. Maniam 'Between lives' (2003).
- - Tim Bunnell 'Malaysia, Modernity and the MSC' (2003).
- - Abdul Razak Baginda 'Malaysia in transition' (2002).
- - M. Bakri Musa 'Malaysia in the era of globalization' (2002).
- - Asma Abdullah and Aric H.M. Low (eds) 'Understanding the Malaysian Workforce' (2002).
- - Susan Keeney 'Malay phrasebook' (2002).
- - Karim Raslan 'Ceritalah 2' (2002).
- - M. Bakri Musa 'Malaysia in the era of globalization' (2002).
- - Luca Invernizzi Tettoni, Sarawak Style (2001).
- - Brigitte Ars 'Landenreeks Maleisië en Singapore' (2001).
- - Barbara W. Andaya, Leonard Y. Andaya 'History of Malaysia' (2001).
- - Julian Davison 'One for the road' (2001).
- - Richard Balkwill 'Met het oog op Maleisie' (2001).
- Vertaling van Discovering Malaysia (1997).
- - Alfred Hageni 'Unter perlenfischern und piraten' (2001) kinderboek.
- - Vincent B.Y. Ooi (ed) 'evolving identities' (2001).
- - Johathan Moffatt ea 'Moon over Malaya' (2001).
- - Allen Roberts 'Maleisië, vragen over Azië' (2001).
- - Charles Brooke 'Ten years in Sarawak volume II (2001).
- Facsimile reprint van 1866.
- - Kees van Teeffelen 'Te gast in Maleisië' (2000).
- Te bestellen via
- - Lynn Witham 'Culture Shock! Kuala Lumpur' (2000).
- - Yang-May Ooi 'Mindgame' (1999). thriller.
- - M. Bakri Musa 'Malay Dilemma' (1999).
- - Marion Nikola, sternenhimmel über Malaysia (1999)
- - Eric Lawlor 'Murder on the verandah' (1999).
- - Hans Morgenthaler 'Impressions of the Siamese-Malayan jungle' (1999).
- - De film 'Entrapment' (1999). [Meer info...]
- - Edmund T.G., K.S. Jomo 'Malaysia’s political economy' (1997/1999).
- - Yang-May Ooi 'De vlammenboom' (1999).
- Vertaling van 'The flame tree' (1998).
- - De film 'Return to paradise' (1998).
- - Kok Wing Lim 'Hidden agenda' (1998).
- - Catherine Lim 'Het tranen-teken' (1998).
- - Allard de Rooi en Maurits Eykman 'Maleisië, oorspronkelijke recepten' (1997).
- - Copeland Marks 'The exotic kitchens of Malaysia' (1997).
- - K.S. Maniam, korte verhalen 'Plot', 'The aborting', 'Parablames', ... (1989).
- - Andrew Eames 'Voorbij de schaduwlijn' (1989).
- Vertaling van 'Crossing the shadow line' (1986).
- - Graham McEune 'Sad Dogs and Englishmen' (1987).
- - Abdullah Ali 'Malaysian protocol and correct forms of adress' (1997).
- - Copeland Marks 'The exotic kitchens of Malaysia' (1997).
- - Karim Raslan 'Ceritalah, Malaysia in transition' (1996).
- - Boo Teik Khoo 'Paradoxes of Mahathirism' (1996).
- - Richard Setlowe, jacht op de Black Sea (1996) vertaling van the Black Sea (1991). Fundamentalistische moslims kapen een russische cruise boot - thriller
- - K.S. Maniam, korte verhalen 'Haunting the tiger' (1996).
- - K.S. Maniam, korte verhalen 'Arriving and other stories' (1995).
- - Jacqueline Pascarl-Gillespie, once I was a princess (1995).
- - Beth Yaph 'De drift van de krokodil' (1995).
- Vertaling van 'The crocodile fury' (1992).
- - Joseph Lynch ea 'Legends of Langkawi' (1994).
- - Aya Zikken 'De polong' (1994).
- - K.S. Maniam 'The return' (1994).
- - Shaun Clarke, Soldier H SAS 'The headhunters of Borneo' (1994).
- - K.S. Maniam 'In a far country' (1993).
- - Rehman Rashid 'A Malaysian journey' (1993).
- - Ken Yeang 'The architeacture of Malaysia' (1993).
- - Hans Werner 'Onderin Azie' (1992).
- - Jean Falconer 'Woodsmoke and temple flowers' (1992).
- - Beatrice Saubin 'De beproeving' (1992).
- - Victor J. King and Michael J.G. Parnwell (eds) 'Marings and minorites' (1991).
- - Kay Kim Khoo 'Malay society. Transformation and democratisation' (1991).
- - G.E.D. Lewis 'Out east: in the Malay peninsula (1991).
- - Hans Werner 'Maleisië' (1990).
- - Junaidi Payne 'Wild Malaysia' (1990).
- - Jerg Haas 'Die Pfefferstadt' (1989).
- - K.S. Maniam 'Plot, the aborting, parablames & other stories' (1989).
- - Ruud Spruit 'Het land van de sultans' (1989).
- Later vertaald als 'The land of the sultans' (1997).
- - Vinson H. Sutlive 'The Iban of Sarawak' (1988).
- - Aya Zikken 'Sarung, sari en samfu' (1988).
- - Graham McEune 'Sad Dogs and Englishmen' (1987).
- - Aya Zikken 'Een land als Maleisië' (1986).
- - Denis Walls en Stella martin 'In Malaysia' (1986).
- - Jessie Wee 'We live in Malaysia and Singapore (1985).
- - Denis Walls en Stella martin 'in Malaysia' (1986).
- - Jessie Wee 'We live in Malaysia and Singapore' (1985).
- - David J. Banks, Malay Kinship (1983).
- - Claude Ollier 'Mon double à Malacca' (1982).
- - Shahnon Ahmad 'Als moeder naar de derde trede gaat' (1982).
- - Blanche d’Alpuget 'Turtle Beach' (1981).
- - K.S. Maniam 'The return' (1981).
- - James Barclay 'A stroll through Borneo (1980).
- - Paul Theroux 'The consul’s file' (1977).
- - 'East of Elephant Rock', film van Don Boyd (1977).
- - Pat Barr 'Taming the jungle' (1977).
- - Iskandar Carey 'Orang Asli' (1976).
- - Margaretha Ratnam, Penang (1973).
- - De tv-serie 'Sandokan' (jaren zeventig).
- - Noel Barber 'The war of the running dog' (1971).
- - William Somerset Maugham, kortverhalen (1874-1965). [Meer info...]
- - Frederick Spencer Chapman 'The jungle is neutral' (1949).
- - James S. Lee 'The underworld of the east (1935/2000).
- - Henri Fauconnier 'Maleisië' (1930, Nederlandse vertaling 1986).
- - Shannon Ahmad 'Bittere oogst' (1972/1978).
- - Anthony Burgess 'The Malayan trilogy' (1972).
- Later herdrukt als 'The long day wanes: a Malayan trilogy' (1981).
- Bundel van drie eerdere romans over Malaya in the jaren 50 van de twintigste eeuw: 'Time for a tiger' (1956), 'The enemy in the blanket' (1958), 'Beds in the east' (1959).
- - Noel Barber 'The war of the running dog' (1971).
- - Rosemary Firth 'Housekeeping among Malay peasants' (1966 2nd edit.)
- - William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965).
- - 'Rampage', film van Phil Karlson (1963).
- - Judith Djamour 'Malay kinship and marriage in Singapore' (1959).
- - Frederick Spencer Chapman 'The jungle is neutral' (1949).
- - 'The letter', film van William Wyler (1940).
- - James S. Lee 'The underworld of the east (1935/2000).
- - Henri Fauconnier 'Maleisië' (1930, Nederlandse vertaling 1986).
- - Owen Rutter 'The pirate wind' (ca 1930).
- - Ranee Margaret Brooke 'My life in Sarawak by the Ranee of Sarawak' (1913).
- Autobiografie van de vrouw van de tweede Rajah, Charles Brooke.
- - Frank Swettenham 'British Malaya' (ca 1908).
- - Joseph Conrad, Toean Jim (NL) / lord Jim (eng) (1900/vele herdrukken).
- - William Skeat e.a. 'Malay Magic' (1900/paperback 2006)
- - Ambrose B. Rathborne 'Camping and tramping in Malaya' (1898, herdruk o.a. 1984).
- - Frank Swettenham 'Malay sketches' (1895/vele herdrukken).
- - Isabella Bird 'The golden chersonese and the way thither'
- - J.D. Vaughan 'The manners and customs of the Chinese'
- - Alfred Russel Wallace 'Het Maleise eilandenrijk' (1869/1996).
Oost-Maleisië: Sarawak/Sabah (Borneo) |  |
- - Nick Garbutt, J. Cede Prudente, sir David Attenborough 'Wild Borneo' (2006).
- - Bob Reece 'The white rajahs of Sarawak' (2004).
- - De film ‘The sleeping dictionary' (2003).
- - Robert Wolff 'Oude wijsheid van natuurvolken' (2003).
- Vertaling van 'Original wisdom' (2001).
- - Nigel Barley 'White rajah' (2002).
- - Jerry D. Mohrlang 'Sarawak' (2002).
- - Wendy Hutton 'East Malaysia and Brunei' (2001).
- - G.W.H. Davison and Chew Yen Fook 'a photographic guide to birds of Borneo' (2001).
- - Luca Invernizzi Tettoni 'Sarawak Style' (2001).
- - Riska Orpa Sari 'Riska' (1999).
- - G.S. Godshalk 'Kalimantan' (1999).
- Vertaling van 'Kalimantaan' (1998).
- - Dennis Lau 'Borneo, a photographic journey' (1999).
- - Gregory Poulgrain 'The genesis of Konfrontasi' (1998).
- - B. Gadikas 'De spiegel van het paradijs' (1996).
- - Mark Cleary and Peter Eaton 'Borneo: change and development' (1995).
- - Shaun Clarke, Soldier H SAS 'The headhunters of Borneo' (1994).
- - R.A.M. Wilson 'a cargo of spice: or exploring Borneo' (1994).
- - Victor T. King (samensteller) 'The best of Borneo travel' (1993).
- - Bernard Sellato 'Hornbill and dragon' 2nd rev. ed (1992)
- - Heidi Munan 'Culture shock! Borneo' (1991).
- - Andro Linklater 'Wild People' (1990).
- - Vinson H. Sutlive The Iban of Sarawak' (1988).
- - Eric Hansen 'Vreemdeling in het woud' (1988).
- Vertaling van 'Stranger in the forest'.
- - Redmond O'Hanlon 'Naar het hart van Borneo' (1986).
- Vertaling van 'Into the heart of Borneo'.
- - Robert Payne 'De blanke radjas van Sarawak' (1986).
- Vertaling van 'The white rajahs of Sarawak' (1960).
- - Peter Dickens 'SAS the jungle frontier' (1983).
- - Cees Nooteboom 'Voorbije passages' (1981).
- - James Barclay 'A stroll through Borneo' (1978).
- - George MacDonald Fraser 'Flashman’s lady' (1977).
- - Ranee Sylvia Margaret Brooke 'Queen of the head hunters' (1972).
- - K.G. Tregonning 'A history of modern Sabah' (1965).
- Eerder verschenen als 'Under Chartered Company Rule'.
- - Tom Harrisson 'World within' (1959).
- - Agnes Newton Keith 'White men return' (1952).
- - Agnes Newton Keith 'Vrouwenkamp Borneo' (1950).
- Vertaling van 'Three came home' (1947).
- - Agnes Newton Keith 'Land below the wind' (1939).
- - Ranee Sylvia Margaret Brooke 'My life in Sarawak' (1913).
- Autobiografie van de vrouw van de tweede Rajah, Charles Brooke.
- - Odoardo Beccari 'Wanderings in the great forest of Borneo' (1904, herdruk o.a. 1990).
- - Charles Brooke, ten years in Sarawak volume I (1866/facsimile reprint 2006)
- - Charles Brooke, ten years in Sarawak volume II (1866/facsimile reprint 2001)
- - Spenser St. John 'Life in the forests of the Far East' (1863, herdruk o.a. 1986).
Singapore |  |
- - Brenda Yeoh 'Over Singapore 50 years ago' (2007).
- - J. Davison 'History of Singapore' (2007).
- - Thomas Keneally 'The widow and her hero' (2007).
- - Yann Arthus-Betrand 'Over Singapore' (2007).
- - Chee Kiong Tong 'Rationalizing religion' (2007).
- - Yoji Akashi (ed), British Malaya and Singapore during the Japanese occuptation (2007).
- - Noel Barber 'Sinister twilight' (nieuwe editie 2007, oorsp 1968).
- - Peter Preston 'Singapore in the global system' (2007).
- - Wijeysingha 'Social Engineering in Singapore' (2007).
- - Yao 'Singapore (Asia’s transformations)' (2007).
- - Aun Koh 'Singapore Chic' (2007).
- - Angela Milligan 'Singapore, culture Smart!' (2006).
- - 'Lonely Planet Singapore' 7th edition (2006).
- - 'Lonely Planet Best of Singapore' (2006).
- - 'Lonely Planet Citiescape: Singapore' (2006).
- - Brenda Yeoh 'Over Singapore 50 years ago' (2006).
- - End of an Empire (DVD jaar onbekekend)
- - Peter Neville 'The rose of Singapore' (2006).
- Eerder verschenen als 'Awakening of the Lion: Singapore' (1999).
- - Nigel Barley 'Rogue raider' (2006).
- - L.Q. Pan & Richard Lord (eds) 'Best of Singapore erotica' (2006).
- - James Eckardt 'Singapore girl a memoir' (2006?).
- - Colin Smith 'Singapore burning' (2005).
- - Ee Lin See 'My kiasu teenage life in Singapore' (2005).
- - D. Devika Bai 'The flight of the swans' (2005).
- - J.G. Farell 'The Singapore grip' (2005).
- - Dawn Mok 'Singapore cityscoops' (2005).
- - Ian Buruma 'De toekomst van China' (2005).
- Vertaling van 'Bad elements' (2001).
- - Peter Thompson 'The battle for Singapore' (2005).
- - 'Lonely Planet six degrees: Singapore' (DVD) (2005).
- - Yoji Akashi 'British Malaya and Singapore during the Japanese occupation' (2005)
- - Catherine Lim 'Unhurried thoughts at my funeral (2004).
- - Chris Lydgate 'Lee’s law' (2004).
- - Gerrie Lim 'invisible trade - High-class sex for sale in Singapore' (2004).
- - Lonely Planet 'Singapore' (2003).
- - Brenda Yeoh 'Contesting space in colonial Singapore' (2003).
- - Chew Yen Fook and Iola Lenzi 'The magic of Singapore' (2003).
- - Eric Heuvel 'Het geheim van Raffles' (2002).
- - Neil Humphrey 'Notes from an even smaller island' (2001).
- - Brigitte Ars 'Landenreeks Maleisië en Singapore' (2001).
- - Julian Davison 'One for the road' (2001).
- - Joann Meriwether Craig, 'Culture Shock! Singapore' (2001).
- - John en May Chu Harding 'Escape from Paradise' (2001).
- - Catherine Lim 'Following the wrong god home' (2001).
- - Gretchen Liu 'Singapore sketchbook' (2001)
- - Hwee Hwee Tan 'Mammon Inc' (2001)
- - Britt Bunyard 'Walking to Singapore' (2000).
- - Lee Kuan Yew 'From third world to first' (2000).
- - Gretchen Liu 'Singapore, a pictorial history' (1999).
- - Michael Haas (ed) 'The Singapore puzzle' (1999).
- - Hsu-Ming Teo 'Love and vertigo' (ca. 1999).
- - Joseph Garber 'In a perfect state (1999).
- - Hsu-Ming Teo 'Love and vertigo' (ca. 1999).
- - Lee Kuan Yew 'The Singapore story' (1998).
- - Francis T. Seow 'The media enthralled' (1998).
- - Paul Leppert e.a. 'Doing business with Singapore' (1997).
- - Hwee Hwee Tan 'Vreemd lichaam' (1997).
- - Daren V.L. Shia 'Heartland' (ca 1997).
- - Guus van Bladel 'Vrouwengevangenis Singapore' (1997).
- - Hwee Hwee Tan 'Foreign bodies' (1997)
- - Catherine Lim, het gezicht van de godin (1997).
- Vertaling van the bondmaid (1995).
- - Marijke Jongbloed, 'Fatal reaction Singapore' (1996).
- Documentaire, niet verkrijgbaar op DVD, wel op video.
- - Jacob Vredenbregt 'Intermezzo in de Leeuwenstad' (1996).
- - Paul Theroux 'Mijn andere ik' (1996).
- Vertaling van my other life (1996).
- - Patricia and Tracy Wilen 'Asia for Women on Business' (1995)
- - Lia Schade van Westrum 'De wereld, mijn woonplaats, (1995)
- - Guus van Bladel 'Tussenstop Singapore' (1995).
- - Francis T. Seow 'To catch a tartar' (1994).
- - John Sturgus Bastin 'Travellers Siangpore' (1994).
- - Suchen Christine Lim 'A fistful of colours' (1993).
- - Nigel Barley 'The Duke of Puddledock' (1991).
- - A.P. Wolf 'Vagabond' (1991).
- - James Minchin 'No man is an island' (1990).
- - R.S. Cortissos 'Onafhankelijkheid van Singapore (1990).
- - C.M. Turnbull 'A history of Singapore' (1989).
- - Louis l’Amour 'West from Singapore' (1987 reissue).
- - Noel Barber 'Tanamera' (1983).
- Oorspronkelijk Engelstalig 'Tanamera' (1981).
- - Alex Josey 'Lee Kuan Yew' (1974).
- - Paul Theroux 'Saint Jack' (1973). In 1979 verfilmd.
- - J.G. Farell, the Singapore Grip (1978/2005).
- - Paul Theroux 'Saint Jack' (1973).
- In 1979 verfilmd.
- - Arthur Swinson 'De val van Singapore' (1976).
- Vertaling van 'Defeat in Malaya – The fall of Singapore (1969) .
- - Paul Theroux 'Sinning with Annie and other stories' (1972)
- - Gwenn R. Boardman 'Living in Singapore' (1971).
- - Noel Barber 'Sinister twilight' (1968/2007)
- - James Clavell 'Koning rat aanval' (1963/1984).
- Vertaling van King Rat (1962). In 1965 verfilmd.
- - Masanobu Tsuji 'Singapore – the Japanese version' (1960).
- - Janet Lim, sold for silver (1958, vele herdrukken).
- - Charles McCormac 'You’ll die in Singapore' (1954/2005).
Brunei |  |
- - Graham E. Saunders 'History of Brunei' (2002).
- - Mark Cleary and Shuang Yann Wong 'Oil, economic development and diversification in Brunei Darussalam (1994).
- - Joanka ten Kate 'Thuis tussen vreemden' (1993).
- - Dato J. Cordingley 'Brunei, the land and its people' (1978).
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